This week we have some wonderful visitors in town. Auntie Martha and Auntie Rhona (Phil's cousin's) are here to enjoy the Hawaiian sun. On Wednesday I took the kids up to have some fun with Grandma and Aunties. Olsen really took to Auntie Rhona and wanted her to follow him everywhere. The lemon tree was bursting with ripe lemons.
Auntie Martha was in charge of picking all the bad one and throwing them down the hill

Auntie Rhona

Gabriella was really good at taking the lemons t0 the towel

Olsen helping Auntie Rhona

And now he's helping Gabriella

Of course the scooter goes everywhere with us. Olsen was making funny faces.

He likes to start and the top of the driveway because there is just enough incline to make perfect.

Gabriella is adopting Olsen's trike.

Gabriella had fun climbing the steps in the garden. She also found someone's water bottle and dumped it on herself.

On Thursday Uncle Charlie gave Olsen a ride in the "tractor". It made his day. He couldn't stop talking about it all day. :)