It is potty training days at the Harris house. We started Monday and it is going pretty good. I have Olsen with just a shirt and nothing on his bum. I tried just underwear yesterday, but he just peed in them without thinking. Hopefully by the end of the week I will be able to put underwear on him and he will tell me when he has to go pee pee. Right now I keep asking him and will put him on the potty if it has been awhile. He will also look at me in a very worried look and I know that he has to go pee. We have only had a couple of accidents so far. I reward Olsen will a sweat-tart everytime he uses the potty, but now he will sometimes just go sit on the potty and demand a sweet-tart. The kid is smart :)
Here is Olsen using the potty. I moved into the living room so it will be very handy for him to use.

And here is a cute picture of Gabriella via the mirror

We also have some great shots of when Amalie and Blaine were here, but I want to load them to our website and then send an email out. Hopefully I will be doing that soon.