It was time once again for Olsen to get a haircut. I don't know why I wait so long between haircuts. Oh yah, it's because it's a pain in the behind to do. You would think there were nerve endings in each hair by the way Olsen cried during his hair cut. Anyway, he is looking handsome with his new do.
Here they are again right before bed. They are wearing their Halloween PJ's. I love them. Gabriella's glow in the dark. Oh, and Olsen really did not want to get his picture taken.

What a handsome little cranky kid!
Hey been there done that. Watch Sesame St. when Grover gets a hair cut, or I find that if you give them a water bottle and let them squirt you during the process makes up for all their pain and suffering. Cute kids sis.
Love ya
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