Just your typical stay-at-home mom with a wonderful husband and three adorable children living in paradise.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
New pair of shoes
Well..... more like slippers. My SIL Ana bought them for Gabriella and gave them to my MIL to give to me. When I first saw them, I thought they were interesting looking, but didn't really get it. My niece (Ana daughter) came over to baby-sit and asked if I like the slippers. I said I thought they were cute but that I couldn't figure out what animal they were. She then told me they were from China and they were Lions. Like the ones they have in the parades and stuff. Now that I know what they are I think they are the coolest slippers ever. I love them. There is a lot of work on the soles of the slippers too. You can't really see in the pictures, but trust me, it's really pretty.
And these are just some pictures that I like. I took them a couple of days ago.
Are your kids ever unhappy!!! Smiling all the time. They must be happy in Hawaii.
hahahaha! sooo cute! anddd you guys suck hahaha your supposed to add our name to the side of your blogger lol! I guess we're not your friends anymore saddd! :( lol
Are your kids ever unhappy!!! Smiling all the time. They must be happy in Hawaii.
hahahaha! sooo cute! anddd you guys suck hahaha your supposed to add our name to the side of your blogger lol! I guess we're not your friends anymore saddd! :( lol
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