Wow, I can't believe Christmas is over. And to tell you the truth, I took the tree down the day after Christmas. I normally wait till the 1/2, but it had died 2 weeks ago and looked terrible. It was time for it to say bye-bye. Anyway, back to Christmas. Christmas eve we went to Byron's parents house and all the cousins were there and we had little scones and hot chocolate. We also did a little Christmas program.
Christmas morning the kids got up and made our way to the tree. Olsen really got the hang of opening presents.

Gabriella just kind of watched and thought everything was pretty cool

Gabriella got a new kitchen set, but I think Olsen going to be enjoying it too.

We then made our way up to my in-laws house where they got the smaller grandkids a new car. Can you guess where Olsen was all morning? Here he is with Nivee

While everyone else dug in the yummy breakfast buffet.

But not Gabriella, she thought the water drain was good enough to eat.

Rather pleased with herself

Avery and Gabriella checking out the jeep

Dad and Tim playing pool

Gabriella and Nivee had a great time playing with the rock

These two girls have such a great time together.

Finally Daddy got the jeep all put together and the battery charged. Olsen took it for a spin, but he didn't really get how to turn it. That's what Uncle Willy is for

Gabriella of course just wanted to eat it

After breakfast we went home, gave the kids a nap and then headed back for dinner. My MIL made all us girls aprons from my FIL's old church shirts. They turned out wonderful and here we are modeling them
Ana, Valerie, me and Rachel