Last Saturday we decided it was time for the kids to see snow. So we loaded up Byron's truck (you need 4 wheel drive to get up there) and made our way up the mountain. First we had to stop at the visitor center at 9000' (everyone must stop before going all the way up to get acclimated or you could get sick if you don't) While at the center I realized our battery was dead, so we had to buy a disposable one from the gift shop. Poor Gabriella, she doesn't have one long sleeve shirt, so I had to use a pajama top. But hey, it was covered by a sweatshirt the whole time anyway.
Here were are hanging outside the visitor center

There was a little trail area you could hike around

Gabriella found a great log to sit on.

Since we don't have a sled, we had to make do with a boogie board.

Olsen had fun, but his hands were getting cold after 5 minutes. It was an icy snow, no powder, so it hurt when they landed on it.

Gabriella hated the snow and would only stay on the rock with me

The sky was pretty amazing from up there.

All in all it was a fun trip. Even though we were only up there for 15 minutes. It was worth it.