Olsen and Gabriella had a very fun morning. Noa's dad is a firefighter and invited us to visit the station today. I picked up Lu (the mom) and Noa we were off. I don't think Olsen could have had a better time. I couldn't believe I forgot my real camera, so these are all taken with my phone.
Walking over to the helicopter

Olsen and Gabriella sitting in the helicopter. Olsen really thought he was going to go for a ride. Sorry kid, no can do.

Then they all made their way to the explore the smaller engine

Then we made our way over to the brand new HUGE engine

They just pulled the headsets out of the boxes when we got there

They loved talking to each other over the headset

Noa talking to his dad, Dusty (uncle D to Olsen)

Snack time on the back of the old engine

Then we put the kids in the back of a regular truck to watch the helicopter do some training exercises. It was so winding that the Noa and Olsen borrowed their mom's sunglasses to protect their eyes.

Watching the them practice landed to basket in the same spot. They use that basket to rescue people from the ocean.

Cool dude's

A tour on the ambulance. Dusty hooked Lu heart monitor

So everyone wanted a try

She doesn't look it, but she really did like it.

So that was our adventure for the day. The kids loved it. They got a fire safety coloring book, activity book and a tattoo. I'm sure we will be back.
Your phone takes great pictures! This looks amazing. Caleb would go bonkers over something like this!!
What a cool activity! We need to get to know some firemen!
You have some incredibly beautiful kids.
I see that life in Hawaii is just great:) I am so very happy for you...even though I sometimes still long for our CTFA -DC days.
Lots of love to you and your family,
Looks like the kids had so much fun!!! Aryn went with her preschool class, I believe that I posted those on my blog...just sift through...how nice of your friend to do that for ya!!! I bet Gabriella and Olsen loved it!!!
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