Last night we went to our tri-ward trunk or treat. I forgot that I bought a BYU cheerleading this summer while in Provo. I remember at 3:00 yesterday. Gabriella was going to go has a fairy, but the dress was way too big and looked weird. Now she looks like a cute mini cheerleader. I think her bag weighs more than her

Olsen showing off his swinging skills. He refused to wear his fireman costume I got him. We told everyone he was an off-duty fireman. At least he is wearing his Halloween shirt he made at school. It was pretty cute too.

Gabriella couldn't wait any longer and dumped all her candy out on the way to the car.

Byron looking mighty good as Speed Racer

I like this shot because you can see the temple in the background. The angel Moroni looks pretty cool

Gabriella hanging out with daddy eating candy.
Go Cougs!
Grahambo is very pleased with Gabriella!
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