Monica's girls while waiting for the little train at the zoo. This pictures couldn't be cuter

Olsen and Andrew about to leave on the train

Chasing the chickens outside the zoo. We also enjoyed some snow cones and popcorn

Olsen was in TRAIN HEAVEN at the Skopec house. If he wasn't swimming, he was playing trains.

Monday Tommy's clan came over for a BBQ and swim party. So much fun.

The twins napping during the action. For some reason this is the only picture I have of the twins. Oh sad is that? I promise I was holding and loving them the whole time

Nate and Andrew jumping off at the same time and Heather waiting her turn in the back

Most of the kids, and yes, that is Olsen screaming on Heather's lap.

The girls having fun running through the water fountains

Olsen scootin' around the bike path.

OMG, Olsen is riding a scooter!! He looks so grown up. How time flies *sigh*
I love all te epics of Monica's kids...she needs a blog!!! (like she has time to write it!)
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