Can you believe that Gabriella is 4 months old already?? Where has the time gone. Little Gabriella is laying on her great grandmother's silk scarf that she bought in Spain many many years ago. She had given that scarf to my sister Heather and when Heather passed away, my grandmother took the scarf and handed to me and said I should have it. While living in DC I was able to use it a couple of times while attending different shows and functions. Now I just get to take pictures of my pretty daughter in it. Hopefully one day I will have an event to wear it to.
I couldn't get Gabriella to smile at the camera. These are the best shots. She still looks cute

This one is my favorite.
What a beautiful daughter (& son of course). Sometimes I wish time would just stand still. Hey, are you guys coming out in February? I heard a rumor that you might.
That one is my favorite too. She's getting prettier each day.
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